“Advance and promote Latino/Latina growth and wellness in the communities we serve.”
The NALHE DMV Chapter is the local chapter of the National Association of Latino Healthcare Executives (NALHE), the national organization led by Latino leaders and experts in the fields of healthcare policy and practice. The NALHE DMV Chapter serves healthcare leaders and professionals in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.
Our goal is to support local Latino healthcare leaders and professionals through continuing education, networking opportunities, and serving our local communities.
Get to Know the DMV Chapter Leadership Board
(Click on each photo to see Bio)
José Cervantes
Silvia Garcia-Romero
Rosalba Lozano
Immediate Past President
Victor Hernandez
Treasurer | Sponsorship and Partnership
David Guilloty
Alioska Motamedi
Lead Committee Chair
Strategic Plan
LEADER ORGANIZATION – Be the organization of choice by actively engaging, connecting, elevating, supporting, and advocating for Latino/Latina and diverse healthcare leaders and professionals, early careerists, students, workers, local industry experts, community stakeholders, partners, sponsors, and individuals with aligned interests, goals, and values.
Create a supportive, welcoming, and inclusive environment that feels like “family”
Develop networking opportunities for all members across the region we serve and act as a catalyst for member engagement, recruitment, and advancement.
Support members to the full extent that the chapter and its participants are able to and utilize the Chapter for the objectives stated above.
PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT – Support Latino/Latina and other diverse individuals in the healthcare industry to advance professionally and academically by providing tools/resources and leveraging networks.
ADVOCACY – Be a voice for Latino communities by promoting and showcasing the increasing contributions made by Latino/Latina and diverse individuals in the health healthcare field and greater community.
POLICY – Actively engage in legislative advocacy work that addresses healthcare disparities and access to healthcare services.
Be a major contributing chapter and align with National NALHE goals that address healthcare disparities
GROWTH – Expand NALHE DMV participation in the region and ultimately
NALHE Chapters by geographic concentration.
Mission, Vision and Purpose
To engage Latino/Latina and diverse healthcare leaders, students, and workers at all levels and sectors of the industry, to foster greater impact in the advancement of diversity, inclusion, and health equity initiatives for our regional Latino communities
Goals and Implementation
- Host at least four events per year either virtually or in-person (one a quarter)
- Reach a membership base of 100 by end of 2024
- Host at least one community engagement event per year
- Be one of the largest NALHE chapters in the country within the first 2 years