










Utah NALHE Chapter (UNALHE)

“Increasing Latin & Multi-Cultural Healthcare Leader Representation”

Of the fifty U.S. states, Utah is the 13th-largest by area; with a population over three million, it is the 30th-most-populous and 11th-least-densely populated. Urban development is mostly concentrated in two areas: the Wasatch Front in the north-central part of the state, which is home to roughly two-thirds of the population and includes the capital city, Salt Lake City; and Washington County in the southwest. Most of the western half of Utah lies in the Great Basin.

Utah is becoming increasingly diverse. In 2010, Utah was 19.4% minority, and is now 22.0% minority. Since 2018, Utah’s minority population has increased 3.3% from 689,589 to 712,199. The Hispanic or Latino population, Utah’s largest minority group, increased 2.9%, from 449,150 in 2018 to 462,051in 2019. Utah’s minority population may only account for 22% of the total population, but it contributed 43% of statewide growth between 2018 and 2019. The Hispanic or Latino population accounted for over half of minority growth (57%).

Utah also has a highly diversified economy, with major sectors including transportation, education, information technology and research, government services, mining, and tourism. Utah has been one of the fastest growing states since 2000, with the 2020 U.S. Census confirming the fastest population growth in the nation since 2010. Utah ranks among the overall best states in metrics such as healthcare, governance, education, and infrastructure. It has the 14th-highest median average income and the least income inequality of any U.S. state.

A 2012 Gallup national survey found Utah overall to be the “best state to live in the future” based on 13 forward-looking measurements including various economic, lifestyle, and health-related outlook metrics.


Get to Know the UNALHE Chapter Leadership Board

(Click on each photo to see Bio)


Joseph Bart Venâncio Arrington

President & Treasurer, Board Chair

Luciana Cid Povoa

Secretary, Board Member


Caren Trujillo

Chair of Programs and Education, Board Member

Adrien M. Barrios

Chair of Membership and Advancement, Board Member

Strategic Plan

This strategic plan describes the goals and objectives of the UNALHE Chapter.


The purpose of this organization is to provide a framework to bring together Latin and multicultural healthcare leaders and professionals, early careerists, students, local industry experts, community stakeholders, partners, sponsors, and affiliates as a group to meet, discuss, and influence factors which affect the representation of Latino/Latina and multicultural individuals in healthcare leadership roles locally and regionally; to foster greater participation in the advancement of diversity and inclusion and health equity initiatives at a local level.


Support Latin and multicultural individuals who are, and are studying to be, in healthcare to grow and advance professionally and demonstrate to each other and to the local/regional industry the increasing contributions made by Latin and multicultural individuals within the healthcare management profession.

Encourage and provide tools for members to advance professionally and academically in the healthcare management profession.

Advocate for continued research, education, and dissemination of information about Latin and multi-cultural community health issues at the local level.

Support members’ full participation in the healthcare management profession and its organizations and use the Chapter for the limited objectives stated above.

Projected Metrics

24 active members in UNALHE by June 30, 2023

20 new members in UNALHE by June 30, 2023

Eight education presentations given to outside organizations by June 30, 2023

Eight new resources (networks, educational tools, etc.) from UNALHE by June 30, 2023

$5,000 raised by UNALHE to provide more resources by June 30, 2023

Thirty successfully completed UNALHE member surveys by June 30, 2023

Combination of fifty newsletters, research pieces, and other media distributed by June 30, 2023